How to play this game

  • Spot the difference between the pictures
  • Click on the things that you think are different
  • If your guess is wrong, time will be deducted instead
  • You win the game if you manage to spot all the differences within the time limit given
Can you spot the ugly duckling?
Even certified genuises cannot solve this puzzle
Care for an all day lollipop?
Yellow and blue cars with serious faces
The bull looks festive!
The puppy badges are different!
Pajama colors make a playful change
Find out that color and shape of your soul by answering this puzzle
Peppa's playful change will you find it?
Where did the baby shark go?
Baby bird finds the missing hues
Metallic dinos roar with bold colors
Colorful Footprints Challenge
Rolling pin, rolling fun!
Can you find the geeen shark?
Can You See the Butterfly Difference?
Find the change in the sky!
The bears swapped patches!
Which ice cream flavor has a unique twist?
The Cat's Eyes Have a Secret, Can You Find It?
Paw Patrol Ready for Bubble Fun
Pocoyo is looking for clues.
Which egg is hiding the bear?
Spot the sneaky crayon!